Thursday, September 20
St. Gelasius Redux

If you're like me, no doubt you've found yourself lying awake at night thinking, "Self, what Chicago needs is an authentic Roman Baroque church."
(You know I would think that, come on, I already gave you a Hispano-Italo-British Baroque church last year...)
If so, never fear--and the folks to bring it to you are, unsurprisingly, our pals at the Institute of Christ the King. (If they can't pull this off, nobody can.) I suppose most of you are vaguely aware of their continuing renovation project in Chicago's fire-gutted church of St. Gelasius (now the Shrine of Christ the King), but what you don't know is they now have a website for it, as well as an official project architect, William Heyer, who looks to be a welcome addition to the growing family of Catholic liturgical architects of traditional bent. Even better, I've discovered their high altar is going to be modelled on that of one of my favorite churches in Rome, Santa Maria in Campitelli, the former titular church of Henry Cardinal Stuart...alias the Cardinal-Duke of York, alias His Majesty Henry IX by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, Ireland and France. This thing's gonna rock!