Wednesday, June 9

Well, Obi Wan Kenobi Does Dress a Bit like Simon Stock

Overheard at a lecture on Carmelite spirituality:

Man: I was enrolled in the Green Scapular for healing as a child. If I get the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, will that be a problem? Do they build on one another?
Friar: (jokingly) There's not going to be a disturbance in the Force, no.


  1. If God didn't want us double-dipping into scapular devotions, He wouldn't have given us two shoulders. Duh.

  2. Haha! Disturbance in the Force.

    I do wonder, though, about people who've done the total consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the method of St. Louis de Montfort... Often they'll continue to offer novenas and sacrifices for this or that intention-- have they forgotten that they vowed all their future good works and merits to the intention of the Blessed Virgin?

  3. Wait until he hears about the five-fold scapular, it will blow his mind.

    For the record, you're not enrolled in the green scapular, there's no associated confraternity, it's blessed by a priest and then you wear it (and say the prayer once a day.) With the green scapular, new ones have to be blessed (because the lack of then enrollment) unlike with the brown scapular where they don't.

  4. There is nothing here to mock I am sure. I am, however, suppressing an urge to make a clavicle joke.

  5. Father William Corby (of Notre Dame fame) was a chaplain to the New York Irish Brigade in the American Civil War.

    Fr. Corby stated that the families of several soldiers sewed seven(!) scapulars together as a devotion.

    Apparently one of those seven-fold scapulars was thick enough to stop a bullet during one battle.

  6. You can get fivefold scapulars in many places.
