Monday, June 21

Introducing Matthew Alderman Studios!

After years of people asking, "Do you have a website?" and lamely answering that my drawings, furnishing designs, and writing were spread rather thinly across a large chunk of the Catholic blogosphere, I have finally gone and planted my flag on a stretch of digital real estate and established Matthew Alderman Studios at There, you will find information about my abilities as a church furnishing designer, classical design consultant, professional illustrator, public speaker, and also information about commissioning new work, buying prints, having me speak to your organization on liturgical or artistic matters, and a great deal more for your amusement and edification. I am also branching out into the design of liturgical elements like chalices, vestments and other elements, having just completed a tapestry for a parish and eager to do more of the same.

I have also set up a photostream of my ink drawings, which will be updated frequently with new work, and a small but growing storefront for buying prints, notecards and other Catholic tchotchkes with my work on them. I also hope to have the capability of selling prints online in the near future, once I am satisified with some quality-control checks. In the mean time, you can continue to email me about purchasing prints, or, if you are located in the greater Minneapolis area, visit the sacred gifts department at Loome's.

I have a number of interesting design consulting and furnishing projects in the pipeline for a variety of churches and chapels across the U.S. and hope to write more about them as the designs develop, but in the mean time, I am always interested in discussing providing my services to interested individuals, parishes and organizations. I can be reached variously at my NLM email account, or at my new email address of matthew (at) Welcome, and enjoy your visit!