Sunday, March 21


Holy Roman Macaroni

Assorted Facebook Status Updates from Yours Truly:

February 7 at 9:21 PM Tony Stark meets Sister Bertrille: "I AAAAAMMMM FLYIIINGGGG NUUUUNNNN!!!"

February 14 at 12:42 PM The one downside with having effectively switched over to the 1962 calendar is that I can no longer ask everyone why they're celebrating St. Cyril's day with red hearts and candy...

February 21 at 10:24 PM I was very good last night and resisted the urge to sing "God Save Emperor Franz," when that Austrian chick got the gold medal for skiing. AEIOU.

March 3 at 9:25 PM The Pope in the movie Becket sounds like he runs a pizza place in Queens. [NB: This joke blatantly stolen from Dan of the Holy Whapping.]

March 8 at 6:34 PM: Something just occurred to me. Has anyone ever seen Pius IX and William Shatner in the same place at the same time?*

*(A priest-friend of mine trained in Rome tells me he sees them at the Caffe Greco having coffee all the time. So there goes my whole idea for a blockbuster conspiracy novel. On the other hand, I'd pay good money if Shatner did an audiobook version of the Syllabus Errorum.)

March 20 at 11:01 PM "Why does everything come in Giant Size, King Size, and Holy Roman Empire size boxes? A package of macaroni as big as a Japanese car is not what I need." --P.J. O'Rourke

Further comment by yours truly: This got me thinking. Does a Holy Roman Empire-sized box mean it's one giant box filled with 300 tiny fun-sized boxes of macaroni? Or, given the religious situation in the HRE, 200 tiny boxes of macaroni and 100 tiny tins of lutefisk?

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