Thursday, March 26


On the Lighter Side of Things

I'm sure many of our readers are feeling pretty low right now, so perhaps a slight change of pace might do us all a little good. My apologies for being quiet around here, myself, but I've been busy scouting out apartments, and plus Em has done a thorough job covering the controversy.

Chesterton once commented that The Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son--apologies to my Orthodox friends, just metaphysically white-out that last clause if you like--is essentially the same thing as saying God is Love, as the love between Father and Son is so strong as to be a whole Person in Itself. Taking that logic to a perilous extreme, let's see whatever deeper philosophical, historical and theological situations we can wrench out of innocuous song lyrics and titles:

All you need is love: The sum of my personal satisfaction is quenched by the eternal procession of the Persons of the Trinity.

L is for the way you look at me: Acrostic interpretation of the abiding charity of God, with mildly Kabbalistic overtones. Possibly originating in an early, cryptic text of Rabbi Gamaliel.

I've got a lovely bunch of cocoanuts: The glory of the Trinity is revealed in the humblest facets of creation. Obviously Franciscan.

Fly me to the Moon : It must have something to do with the Assumption. Right? Right? Work with me, people.

Do you believe in Magic?: Acually one of the messier portions of the Kramer and Sprenger witch-trial transcripts.

Heaven. I'm in Heaven
: The Q-source for this text is presumably derived from the apocryphal Assumption of Enoch, in which the biblical patriarch is taken up to heaven in a burning inner-tube shaped UFO, a bit like that scene in Cats.

I Left My Heart in San Francisco: Something to do with relic theft in the early Spanish colonies.

Inagaddadavida: A testament to the utter inscrutability of God equal to the great medieval English classic, The Cloud of Unknowning. Or, in other words, I have no idea what they're saying.

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