Monday, November 3



In case you need a break from election coverage as much as I do, here are I few stories I've run into lately:

WSJ: Is the Pope's Newspaper Catholic? With New Editor, It's Broader Than Ever
An interesting account of recent changes at L'Osservatore Romano, including a broader range of topics and a less text-heavy format. Especially intriguing for those interested in the future of Catholic media.

From RAI's recent "La Bibbia Giorno e Notte" (site and videos in Italian): Pope Benedict XVI and Roberto Benigni read from the Bible. (And Andrea Bocelli sings some Bach.)
Even if you don't speak Italian, it is rather moving to just hear scripture read out like this, outside of the contexts in which we so often take it for granted.
Lectors: take a few notes from Benigni; he's reading mostly geneologies, but he still makes them sound like a fascinating part of the story. Also, his diction is clear and slow enough for me to follow along with my very out-of-practice Italian, without being anything akin to plodding.
Found via Amy Welborn.

From The Onion, via Lucy at PSoCL: "Local Woman Devotes Life to Doing God's Busy Work"
I won't tell you how far I had to read before I figured out that this was The Onion, and not some diocesan paper.

And, in our particular love for all things quirky and Catholic, The Evolution of the Popemobile.
Via AmP.

And since this post is all about distractions, how about a caption contest from that last item? Sorry, I couldn't pick just one:

(click to enlarge)
Left: JPII enjoys the monorail at Epcot; Center: Pope Benedict tries to sneak off for a quiet nighttime car ride with Jesus, with little success; Right: The chauffeur had been off-roading for some time before he realized that he had lost the Pope entirely.

P.S. Random musing: Considering that it seems to end in some sort of accident, is "Space Oddity" really the best song for Lincoln to use in their automotive advertisements?

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