Thursday, February 7


A Book Meme; and St. Ambrose Gives Out Dating Advice

So we haven't done one of these in a while. I've been tagged (along with Em, Dan and Drew) by dear Shrine friend The Sober Sophomore. You know the drill: page 123 of the closest book to hand, and then find the sixth, seventh and eighth sentences.

Now this is tricky: The closest book to hand is Willi Kurth's Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer*, but since the front half is missing, and there are no page numbers, and no text on the pages, that's really out. The closest book below that is Dom E. Roulin's Modern Church Architecture, which could work, except the closest book to my head is The Golden Legend, which is lying at eye level on my mantel-piece. So, a tie.

Dom E. Roulin (alias "The Sourpuss of Ampleforth Abbey," well, not really), Modern Church Architecture, 1947. "In the case of each project assigned to him, the pupil is expected to produce ten or twenty ideas and often more; these ideas come successively, one such conception leading to another, and after some time they are all expressed in rough drafts of the whole. The idea that is judged to be the best is subjected to further study and further polishing until it reaches a definite stage, when it may be considered a tenative plan. Further study enables this tenative plan to be accepted as a final plan of a church, a civic building, a tomb, or some such monument."

Huh, sounds like my days at the Architecture School. Or, for that matter, my day job.

And now, The Golden Legend (Vol. II): "Augustine, who had no curiosity about such things as food, answered: 'I don't know any more than you do!' [Paragraph break]. He said that he had learned three things from Saint Ambrose. The first was never to court a woman for someone else; the second was never to encourage someone to be a soldier; the third, to accept no invitations to dinner parties."

Who says the medievals were impractical souls? Good advice, especially the first part--though I've never met a dinner party I didn't like, myself.

*To quote Monty Python: Oh, Albrecht, Albrecht Dürer, Du reitest durch die Länder,
Oh, Albrecht, Albrecht Dürer, Du Held mit Deiner [unverständlich],
Gefürchtet von allen Bösen, geliebt von allen Guten, Guten,
Du Dürer Albrecht, Du.

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