Sunday, September 23
Episcopalian Bishop to Become Catholic

For those unaware, the Episcopal Church is in the midst of a meeting of bishops to discuss the various matters (read: the ordination of active homosexuals and the understanding of Biblical authority which that implies) which have been stressing the world-wide Anglican Communion.
A very moving address was given to the American bishops by an Anglican Egyptian bishop, asking the Americans to admit that they held significantly different views on Christianity than the wider Anglican Communion and asking the American bishops to stand up for those views with clear conviction: if they believe their recent moves are true, then they should stand up for them boldly, willing to make the necessary sacrifices which are the difference between sentimentalist "I'm ok, you're ok" and true conviction.
However, the consensus at this point in time (the meeting continues Monday) seems to be that the American bishops will make no significant changes which would ease the global tension, such as altering their current practices or voluntarily separating themselves from the wider Anglican Communion.
Faced with this very soul-draining stalement between contrasting theologies and contrasting views on Scripture, authority, sexuality, and a host of such issues, the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson, the active Bishop of the Rio Grande, will announce his intention to enter the Roman Catholic Church tomorrow.
Those who claim to be close to the bishop report that, in the face of these many problems and afflictions of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion at large, Steenson has been telling friends for some time, "The answer is Benedict XVI."
In his own (public) words:
Regarding his move to the Roman Catholic Church, Bishop Steenson said, “I believe that the Lord now calls me in this direction. It amazes me, after all of these years, what a radical journey of faith this must necessarily be. To some it seems foolish; to others disloyal; to others an abandonment.”
At this point in time, it is not known whether Steenson will seek, or be given, presbyterial (or episcopal--most unlikely!) ordination in the Catholic Church.
One place at which to read more