Thursday, September 27


Benedict XV against "Traditionalist," "Liberal," "Integralist," etc.

In the Encyclical Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum, Pope Benedict XV condemned the contemporaneous practice of those who referred to themselves as "Intergralist Catholics," as opposed to simply "Catholic." His condemnation, a part of the ordinary magisterium, is binding today--despite the prevalence of Catholics who very wrongly attach modifiers to their self-description of "Catholic."

We desire that this practice, lately come into use, of using distinctive names by which Catholics are marked off from other Catholics, should cease; such names must be avoided, not only as 'profane novelties of words' that are neither true nor just, but also because they lead to great disturbance and confuse the Catholic body... There is no need to qualify by fresh epithets the profession of faith; let it be enough for a man to say, "Christian is my name, Catholic is my surname..."

What kind of Catholic are you? "Just Catholic."

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