Wednesday, April 11
A Tradition Continues
Sunday, April 22 2007
Procession leaves from 11:45 a.m. Mass
Main Building Benediction, Year 1

Main Building Benediction, Year 2
As longtime Shrine readers will recall, two years ago a group of students, spearheaded by members of this blog, with the cooperation of Campus Ministry at Notre Dame, revived the long-dormant tradition of the annual campus Eucharistic procession (a tradition, I note, which was dormant as much because of the fact that the academic year shifted such that Corpus Christi fell outside of it as because of other developments at the Church and the University). Notre Dame had, in earlier days, been known for the glory of its processions around the central portion of campus known as "God Quad."
Our first procession two years ago was a resounding success, such that Campus Ministry was enthused and took on the work and responsibility of planning it and making it an annual event. This year, the event is jointly sponsored by Notre Dame, Saint Mary's College, and Holy Cross College (familiar to many viewers of Rudy, this is now a four-year institution), and will follow the traditional route around "God Quad," stopping for Benedictions at the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue, the statue of Our Lady of the University in the main traffic circle, the statue of Fr. Sorin, founder of the University, and finally the traditional closing Benediction on the porch of the Main Building, toppped with its famous golden dome.
I'd encourage anyone in the area to come to this year's procession, on the Third Sunday of Easter, April 22, leaving from the 11:45 a.m. Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. There will be a lunch provided afterwards free of charge, courtesy of the campus Knights of Columbus, and who knows, maybe you'll meet a couple of Whapsters and friends there.
Sign up on the website: Notre Dame Eucharistic Procession
Here are the contents of the press release for this year's procession:
Following the values set forth by the Venerable Father Basil Anthony Moreau csc, the University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, and Holy Cross College are collaborating in the celebration of the Third Annual Eucharistic Procession on April 22, 2007 following the 11:45am Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart Notre Dame, Indiana.
The Eucharistic Procession will be celebrated on the historical “God Quad” at the University of Notre Dame stopping at four altars of Benediction before the statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady of the University at the main circle, Fr. Sorin founder of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s, and concluding at the Golden Dome of the Administration Building.
Students, faculty, religious, and staff of each institution, as well as the general public will give public witness of their faith and devotion to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Procession will also be a public prayer asking God for three graces: a greater respect of and protection for the rights of all human life from conception to natural death; an increase of vocations to the religious life and priesthood especially in the Congregation of Holy Cross; and blessings for the students, faculty, staff, religious, trustees, and administration of the three institutions of higher learning. A picnic lunch will be provided by the generosity of the Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council #1477.
Founded in 1835, the Congregation of Holy Cross serves in fifteen countries on five continents throughout the world. Fr. Moreau envisioned the brothers, sisters, and priests of Holy Cross united in their lives and in their work as a visible imitation of the Holy Family. Fr. Moreau will be beatified in LeMans, France on September 15, 2007. A proponent of Eucharistic adoration and devotions, this procession gives honor to Fr. Moreau and his vision for a religious community of educators in the faith. With a combined history of more than 369 years of education at St. Mary’s, Holy Cross and Notre Dame, the religious of Holy Cross have been educating the hearts and minds of children and young adults. It is the mission of Holy Cross to make God known, loved and served.
For more information about this Eucharistic Procession, please contact Fr. Kevin Russeau, csc at
Contact: Fr. Kevin Russeau, csc
Director of Old College Undergraduate Seminary
574.631.7295 /