Wednesday, January 17


Visitors from Radioland

Welcome to the Shrine! If you heard me on Gus Lloyd's Seize the Day talking about the saints in art this morning, I'm sure you're curious about our work here.

The five of us who share this bit of internet real estate all met at Notre Dame, and have since continued to share our love of Catholic art, architecture, liturgy, doctrine and the general wackiness that makes Catholic life interesting through the medium of the web. Recent highlights include an EXCLUSIVE presentation of George Weigel's recent address to the World Youth Organization, a great bunch of guys and gals *** Celebrating Epiphany with Style *** A Hypothetical Overhaul of Yale's Catholic Chapel *** Dutch New York *** and the World's Ugliest Baptismal Font.

Feel free to explore the archives--down at the lower right-hand of the sidebar--where you'll find my Rome journals, including tales of partying with Bohemian seminarians on St. Cyril's day *** A visit to a strange and wonderful chapel built by a shadowy 18th century alchemist *** The world's weirdest tour of the Roman Forum, with the Pope's Official Latinist (who is, incidentally, a dead ringer for the Maytag Man) *** and plenty more posts from my fellow bloggers Drew, Emily, Dan and emeritus member Becket.

And lastly, for those ink drawings I mentioned, here's my portfolio, and some hypothetical architectural designs here, here and here.


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