Monday, December 4

The lovely and talented Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste, looks to have an exciting few weeks ahead of her as her magnum opus hits the bookstalls. She'll be doing an inaugural book-signing at Borders Books and Music, Kips Bay Plaza, 576 Second Ave. (32nd St.), Manhattan, 7 p.m. Thursday, and then virtually all over creation the week after that. (For a full list of appearances, check here.)
Please support Dawn and her new book; it's going to take chastity to a whole new audience of young urban women who might not get a shot at hearing the Gospel otherwise. The audience currently getting the Theology of the Body is overwhealmingly college-aged and often already at least nominally Catholic: however, Dawn has chosen the tricky task of simultaneously preaching to the heathen and the choir, and therein lies her strength. Plus, it's got a cover that I don't think will embarass anyone, male or female, if they're caught reading it on the subway. (Let's be honest here: the purple cover of Good News about Sex and Marriage is a little freaky, no offense, Mr. West. It's great otherwise, though.) Anyway, keep her in your prayers, and if you're in Manhattan, show the flag this coming Thursday!