Tuesday, September 19


Argh, Me Mateys

Yep, you guessed it, me buccaneers, International Talk Like a Pirate Day is once again at our throats, and in honor of this wonderfully ludicrous holiday (I mean that as a compliment) celebrating bad grammar and robbery on the high seas, let's have a round of ol' Gilbert and Sullivan!

Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But I'll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King.
For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!
For I am a Pirate King!

ALL. You are!
Hurrah for the Pirate King!


With cat-like tread,
Upon our prey we steal;
In silence dread,
Our cautious way we feel.
No sound at all,
We never speak a word,
A fly's foot-fall
Would be distinctly heard ?

POLICE. (pianissimo) Tarantara, tarantara!

PIRATES. So stealthily the pirate creeps,
While all the household soundly sleeps.
Come, friends, who plough the sea,
Truce to navigation;
Take another station;
Let's vary piracee
With a little burglaree!

POLICE. (pianissimo) Tarantara, tarantara!

SAM. (distributing implements to various members of the gang)
Here's your crowbar and your centrebit,
Your life-preserver...you may want to hit!
Your silent matches, your dark lantern seize,
Take your file and your skeletonic keys.

We at the Shrine, of course, do not endorse pillaging, looting, rooting, tooting or the like, piracy on the high or low seas, though honestly we could care less about the East River.

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