Blogger Luther at the Movies, on, of all things, the Assumption:
Now, I can imagine some jackanapes turning red in the face, barely able to restrain himself: “Herr Doktor: Wouldn’t it be wiser to remain silent where the Scriptures are silent? Even to engage in such speculation is to tread a slippery slope to Rome or Constantinople, with its elaborate legends about Mary and the saints.”
To which I would reply: “Perhaps, you would like to say to Christ, ‘I always believed your mother was a miserable sinner like me and lies rotting in the ground today.’ ”
Incidentally, I think should Holy Whapping ever start a TV network, we should definitely do a movie review show with Herr Doktor and St. Ignatius, sort of a Luther-Loyola Ebert-Roper sort of thing. Think of the debates! The wackiness! The popcorn-throwing fights!