Tuesday, May 23


To Quote Terry Pratchett, I Aten't Dead

I know it's a been a bit quiet around here since Thursday. I think the excuse that I've been opening up a new phase in my life for the past three days is a valid one. It involved moving boxes, getting a sheepskin, and wearing very cool hats.

Translation: That means we're all graduates here at The Shrine now. Em now has a shiny new diploma she can call her own and I can put B.Arch. behind my name and wear a purple tassel (there is no way I'm calling it lilac, buddy) on my cap if ever the mood strikes me to dress up as Professor Grover from Sesame Street. That being said, The Shrine's gonna keep on going as always. About the only change anyone plans on making is re-writing the subtitle slightly to fit current circumstances. And maybe a bit more regular posting since I now have my weekends (what a concept) back!

I've got some more thoughts on graduating and what I want to do with the rest of my life which I hope to post soon... Fortunately, I have a pretty good idea as to what that is right now, and it includes the certainty of gainful employment.

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