Saturday, February 11

A Question

Sacrosanctum Concilium, in paragraph 59, states that the sacraments both nourish and presume faith.

I've been looking for some--any--theological commentary on this passage, but haven't found any. My reactions to this passage:

(1) Does this mean that faith is required for validity? It would seem so.
(2) How is infant baptism reconciled with this? Obviously, it is. But: how, exactly?
(3) Does this lend itself towards Donatism? "Bp. X may have been a Communist imposter, and so therefore had no faith--and all his sacraments were invalid!"
(4) Similarly, does this lend itself towards Rigorism? "When I was confirmed, I didn't believe any of it; so, therefore I was not really confirmed."

To be honest, I had formerly assumed that sacraments were valid as long as the recipient did not willfully object--regardless of their faith. Hmm.

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