Saturday, December 17
Reader Bleg

I'm going to be travelling to deepest Mahony-Land (Los Angeles) after the New Year. I intend, among other things, to go see the Yellow Armadillo for myself and decide what I think about it. I know it will be ugly, but I intend to find out for myself the extent of the ugliness and maybe if there's a few good things to see (St. Vibiana's tomb, that Spanish reredos randomly placed at the end of a side-aisle, the coffee shop) amid the Moneo nuttiness.
Anyway, I'm curious to know if there are any good examples of church design in the City of Angels; I hear St. Vincent's is a superb example of Spanish Baroque revival, for example. If any of my readers can think of some other must-see examples of church architecture in the area, or any convents, monasteries or seminaries worth visiting in preparation for my upcoming thesis design project, drop me a line or put a comment in below. Also, if you know of any liturgically good parishes (or even ones where they don't risk spilling Our Lord by pouring the Precious Blood out of a glass flagon, sigh), by all means let me know.