Sunday, October 16


Practicing... Christian virtue... of Not-Being-Jealous...

MY First Communion preparation consisted of watching that infamous video about the Polish grandma who used to bake easter bread with eggs in it, until she died of a heart attack and her children threw all of her stuff away, except for the grandson that kept the pan for making Easter bread, and so they made the Easter bread. It was nice but I did not make any connection between that and the Eucharist. I'm not sure I could now, really. But apparently this was a staple in 1990's First Communion Prep, because a lot of my friends saw the same thing.


Would that I had been Roman, I might have attended Eucharistic Adoration and breakdancing with the Pope and 100,000 friends (so awesome). As it was, I had to wait to attend Notre Dame before I ever saw a monstrance! And I still can't breakdance. So deprived...

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