Wednesday, March 2


(Insert embarassingly high-pitched squeal of delight)

"Welcome to the world of Sanctus Bells." As you may have guessed, we're big fans of bell-ringing around the Shrine; ever since my home parish dropped the use of the Sanctus bell (for reasons which seem to have been made at a diocesan level), I've noticed an uncomfortable and empty void that seems to hover in the air when the priest elevates the Host... It seems like God's (re)entry into time and space ought to merit a little more than dead air. But then, I'm (mostly) preaching to the crowd.

On the other hand, I was the only one who knew how to ring them properly.

But the website is a joy, with some fun photos of the typical quadruple-ring set usually used and exotic variants such as the "gloria wheel," Old Testament bells and Eastern Catholic belled thuribles. It even includes some lovely pamphlets with which to annoy your local parish priest if your parish mass is not sufficiently POD. Though, remember, folks, pick your battles when it comes to liturgy... I know this from (sigh) experience. But you do have the GIRM on your side.

Also, considering nobody gets my running joke about the Sanctus Belles, note their conspicuous absence (as well as their hit single, "Requiem for a Vestment" from their new album, Black Fiddleback) from this post.

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