Thursday, February 3

... he took the trapper into his Presidential hands, and looking up to heaven, to you, almighty Father, he gave you thanks and praise...
They met at the University of Notre Dame. Now these "Catholic Nerds" share their thoughts on Catholic culture, spiritual life and other musings (or "moosings" as the case may be) with the rest of the world. Click here to return to Main Page.
Dan: A perpetual choirmember, seek him where good music or custard are to be found. Contact him at basilique(at)gmail(dot)com
Emily: A graduate of Notre Dame's Philosophy and Latin programs, religious ed expert and Alto at large, she can be reached at emilynd06(at)gmail(dot)com
Matt: A graduate of ND's Architecture School, illustrator, church furnishing designer, and founder of Matthew Alderman Studios, doing entirely too many things at the same time in jolly old New England. Reach him at malderman83(at)gmail(dot)com
Drew: A lover of Jackie Chan and Cuckoo Clocks, he be can contacted at andrew_na(at)hotmail(dot)com
Becket: This Whapster Emeritus and longtime admirer of the Holy Father is enjoying his retirement on the shores of the Missisippi.
Women's Religious Orders:
Ann Arbor Dominicans
Chicago Poor Clares
Discalced Carmelite Nuns
Nashville Dominicans
USA Dominican Nuns
Little Sisters of the Poor
Monastery of Our Lady of the Perpetual Rosary
Poor Clare Nuns of Virginia
Regina Laudis
Sisters of Life
Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration
St. Dymphna, protectress of lunatics, pray for us!
"Christianity, and nothing
else is the ultimate foundation
of liberty, conscience,
human rights, and democracy...
We continue to nourish
ourselves from this source.
Everything else is
postmodern chatter."
- Jürgen Habermas
"We desire that this practice... of using distinctive names by which Catholics are marked off from other Catholics, should cease; such names must be avoided... [they] are neither true nor just... they lead to great disturbance and confuse the Catholic body."
- Benedict XV, Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum