Monday, October 25

A happy belated fiftieth birthday to loyal Shrine reader Michelle Kelley! And now, in her honor, some quirky sanctoral facts of the day!

Yesterday, October 24, was the feast day of the only Cuban saint, Anthony Mary Claret...who was actually Catalan. But we'll take what we can get. He preached over 25,000 sermons and published some 144 books and pamphlets during his lifetime. It's also the feast of an old favorite of mine, St. Elesbaan (a.k.a. Calam-Negus), an Ethiopian king turned monk, and also the only Monophysite to merit a mention in the Roman Martyrology. Also, it's the feast of St. Abdullah Ibn Kaab and his companions, brutally martyred in 523 at Hadran in Arabia. Their death at the hands of the Jewish convert Dhu Nowas shocked the whole worled and even got a mention in the Koran. But, let's accentuate the positive today...Many happy returns!

And a thanks to Cynthia and Mrs. P. for alerting me to this important occasion!

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