Thursday, September 9

Call It an Examination of Conscience for the Sinister - If I Were The Evil Overlord

If I have an unstoppable super-weapon, I will use it as often as possible instead of holding it in reserve.

I will not indulge in the practice of maniacal laughter, despite the proven stress-relieving effects of such behavior.

I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to demonstrate how evil I am.

I will never turn into a giant snake, no matter how much I might want to, because it never helps.

The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the mountain of despair beyond the river of fire guarded by the dragons of eternity. It will be locked up in my safe-deposit box.

I will never utter the sentence 'Before I kill you, you should know...'

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