Friday, August 13

A Kernal of a Strand of a Thought

Well getting ready this morning, I was wondering why it is that Catholics have roughly equal enthusiasm for divorce as the rest of the population, when we are so blessed with a sacramental marriage and explicit knowledge thereof. Despite the divine presence in marriage, the aggregate numbers of marital failure and unhappiness are about the same as for the rest of the population.

IQB: Examples of when marriage can be annuled: (meanting, of course, that it never existed sacramentally in the first place) "Finally, a person might exclude the essential property of openness to children and say, 'Okay, I'll get married, but only on the condition that we never have kids, and if I knew we were going to have kids, then I just wouldn't get married.' Again, an essential property of marriage is excluded, and so the marriage itself is excluded."

Artificial birth control?

I don't have any more time to work this out. Thoughts? Too far? Plausible? I don't know. Please do my thinking for me today.

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