Thursday, June 10
Today traditionally marks the Feast of Corpus Christi. The very POD origins of this feast include a vision which appeared to St. Juliana of Mon Cornillon, who saw the Church as the full moon with a dark spot, indicating the lack of this solemnity. She saw that there was a need for a feast commemorating the Holy Eucharist aside from Holy Thursday, which is overshadowed by the sorrow of the occasion. Her bishop concurred, and so, eventually, did Pope Urban IV, who, in 1264, ordered that the feast be celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday.
The Office for this day was composed by none other than St. Thomas Aquinas, including the O Salutaris, Pange Lingua, and Lauda Sion.
So, this Sunday, when the feast is observed in the United States, find yourself a Eucharistic procession with so much incense you can't see it and POD out!
(Audio link from, which has several other fun links, and is definitely worth reading.)