Thursday, June 24

A proposed response to "Catholic" politicians

Zorak has proposed that faithful Catholics practice a Eucharistic fast on Respect Life Sunday (Oct. 3), in reparation for pro-abortion Catholics, and as an act of solidarity with them. My first impression is that I like the idea, although in order for it to achieve it's intended effect, it would have to be viewed as an act of reparation (in addition to actually being one), which would mean overcoming American Catholics' tendency to over-politicize everything on both sides.

I do like the fact that it would be a way of teaching by example that the Eucharist is not something to be taken lightly. It would certainly require alot of prayer and humility from participants, however, and I'm not sure I have that much faith in human nature, especially in large groups. Perhaps St. Blog's pastors have thoughts on the subject? (Paging Frs. Tucker, Johansen, and Sibley...paging...)

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