Saturday, April 24


Sanctus Bells!!!!!

If you were at Mass this Morning
... you already know two things:

1) That our proclamation of the Mysterium Fidei needs some work

2) That through a very generous (and anonymous) donation, our Masses and Benedictions next year will include a very fine ring of traditional SANCTUS BELLS.

I can't express my own personal gratitude or the excitement of my fellow Shriners (errrr Whapsters) and Mass-goers. Our profound thanks goes out to the donors. Thank you.. Thank you. Thank you!

Today was also the implementation of the chin-paten, but of course, The Communion-plate for the Communion of the faithful should be retained, so as to avoid the danger of the sacred host or some fragment of it falling. ([93.], Redemptionis Sacramentum).

At Mass today, as the censor swung at the Consecration and I glanced the Commmunion plate waiting at the credence table, heard the Latin acclaimation intoned by our own cassocked Dan, in a beautiful chapel with a sizeble attendence for 9am at a college campus, I was very, very grateful to Our Lord for allowing us to worship Him in so beautiful a way.

And thank you, again, to those by whom He enabled us so to do.

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