Thursday, April 22

The May Procession: 2003
Or, Harness the power of this armed and fully-operational blog!
Ah, the memories. Every year Children of Mary / Knights of Immaculata, the campus groups of which the blog is a partial digital manifestation, hold a May Procession: we carry the above life-sized statue of Our Lady (note the 4-handled ark-of-sorts which rests, somewhat painfully, on four pairs of willing shoulders) up and down the quads, saying 15 decades of the Rosary. It's a wonderful opportunity to express devotion to Our Lady, renew ND's consecration to her, and witness to the campus community (and the tourists who snap pictures), as slightly embarrassing as it can be ;)
This year, though, we hope to up the notch a bit.. more on that later, as it does (or doesn't) pan out; for example, because it is during study days, we're not allowed to advertize. So, gentle readers, please help!
1) Pray that we succeed in offering Our Lady a fine procession, which she may use as her own instrument for the dispensation of great graces. Let's start an e-novena tomorrow unto this end.
2) If you can, attend! Spread the news! Get other people to come!! Please!
Saturday, May 1st, 2:00pm, the Grotto