Monday, March 15

To the True King Over the Water!
For all your white-cockade needs, check out this fascinating Jacobite Gazetteer, especially the page on Rome. Santa Maria in Campitelli (also called "in Portico") has a particularly fascinating entry, considering it mentions that James III and VIII left an endowment to the church so that prayers might be said for the conversion of England. His son, the Cardinal Duke of York (above), was titular deacon of this parish for some time before moving to higher office, and doubtlessly nourished the custom. Some form of this prayer is still being said, apparently, at 6:30 PM every Saturday (you know where to find me next week), and goes a little somethin' like a-this...
Ecumenical Prayer to our Lady in Portico
Translation based on the official English text with corrections by the author based on the Italian
Most Holy Virgin, for many centuries
Thou hast made Thy maternal presence
felt in this community of believers:
hear the prayer which we earnestly make unto Thee
for all the Church of Christ and in particular,
for our brethren of the Anglican Communion.
Give unto us, in Thy maternal assistance,
a profound consciousness of our limitations,
that we might not be led astray by pride
and serve God with humility.
Grant to us, O Mother, that we might rediscover the way to unity
in the mystery of the Redemption
which has been won for us by Thy Son Jesus,
Who, clothed in the purple vestment of his Passion,
immolated Himself on the Cross for His spouse, the Church.
Enlighten the hearts of all with the light of the Gospel of truth;
praying in this Cenacle,
that Thy Son might send the Spirit of unity,
concord and pardon.
Gather once more all your children around the portal of salvation
to make one undivided people of the Covenant.
May, Mother, that day soon come in which all of us, in
concord, form a single flock under one Shepherd. Amen.