Thursday, March 25

Quick! Call Thomas Gordon Smith!

I've been very excited about the new Ave Maria University and accompanying New Urbanist-inspired college town going up near Sarasota, even if it's supposed to be an orthodox rival to us unfortunates at Notre Dame. Heck, the more believing Catholics in higher education, the better; maybe some competition will do us good. At the very least, it'll mean more people I can add to my instant-messenger list.

Nonetheless, I'm still less than excited about the modernistic glass-and-steel curtain walls of the new university chapel, which looks even less like a church than anything from the oeuvre of Rev. Fr. Vosko or even "the least straight cathedral in the U.S.," the Mahoneyite Yellow Toaster of the Unknown God over in Los Angeles. The new chapel is like the love child of Joseph Paxton and Caspar David Friderich. Very disappointing. Anyway, have a peep at what noted controversialist Michael Rose has to say about the new project. And then write to university benefactor Tom Monaghan and tell him to wait until I graduate so I can drop a replica of Borromini's Sant' Ivo in the middle of campus.

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