Wednesday, March 3

Militant Catholic Nerds Sack Rome's Clerical Boutiques to Enrich America's Impoverished Liturgy
And You Think Attila was Bad:
The Whapsters take Rome, and Other Amusements
I'll probably knock off at least one more entry before I head off to the Eternal City tomorrow afternoon, but I just thought youall should know (or be warned) that several of my blogging confreres will be joining me in Rome in a few days for a week of pilgrimage, adventure and (hopefully) a little mayhem. This group of hardy souls will include The Shrine's very own Andy, Emily and our absentee evil photoshop genius Rich. Also, fellow Domer and Catholic nerd Brian of In Pectore will be joining the hoopla. We've got high hopes for the trip: 33 churches, three opportunities for pope-watching, a tour of the Scavi beneath St. Peter's, mass in at least three different Rites, and even one prospective Ratzinger sighting. No, seriously.
We decided on 33 because, of course, its Christological significance, but also because last year when Andy, Dan and myself did The Dan Rober Reality Tour of New York we found when you've seen sixty churches in the space of a week, all those Gothic altars start to run together. On the other hand, Rome is baroque, and you can never have too many flying cherub butts, as my good friend (and Romanesque partisan) Fr. O. would probably not say. So, like all good barbarian hordes visiting Rome, expect death, destruction, pillaging (and a few rosaries) in the next week or so. You'll get plenty of updates, trust me.
Also, tonight, I'm attending the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit being held at St. Thomas More in Tallahassee, always a big occasion for lawyers and government folks in this capital town. So, lots of liturgical fun in store.