Friday, March 5

None of the members of the Shrine will be spending Spring Break in Cancun
..........Or not.............but as Andy noted, it is Spring Break, and thus 4/5 of the Shrine staff will in some way or another be touring Italy, and I will be in Virginia and New York. Thus, blogging will be slim to none. Stay tuned, however, for the blog's return to full operation next Monday, which will surely feature many stories and insights gained over the break. Thanks to all our readers: your loyalty is very inspiring, and is a big part of what keeps this blog going. For everyone's information, I offer a link to a site called Mary's Prayers Rosaries, which links to us and seems to be a nice clearinghouse of information and links. Check it out, and enjoy some of their material and links until we return. Once again, thanks and God bless!