Friday, February 27

More Quotes Recorded by my Arkie Friend S.

Amusements heard in Rome:

Deacon Dave: What was your paper on infant baptism called?
John the Seminarian: [It was] Burn, Baby, Burn.

Prof. Duarte on the Society of Jesus:

“Jesuits know how to have fun.”

“Given the decoration of this church, it is safe to say God was a Jesuit.”

(I won’t dignify that last one with a response.)

“This week’s class theme was ‘places St Andrew’s head has been.’ ” (S. describes Duarte’s class.)

“I keep expecting Padre Pio to tell Luke to use to the force.” (Me, on the subject of the seer of Pieceltrina’s eerie resemblance to the late Sir Alec Guinness)

Prof. Duarte: Does anyone know what ‘Alhambra’ means?
Student: Rug?
Prof. Duarte: Close, but ‘Red Fortress.’ They both start with R.

First Student, after misreading some church iconography: St. Peter was a Nazi?
Second Student: No, the Etruscans were Nazis.

“This is typological brooding artist bullshit. He killed himself and burned his drawings. What a dumb-ass.” (Prof. Duarte commits sacrilege against the name of Borromini)

And lastly, on the matter of how to properly celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception:

Me: I love being Catholic. You get to paaaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaaay.
Alejandro: You say potato, I say vodka.
Me: I mean come on, Catholics invented beer.

Well, it’s true.

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