Saturday, February 14

I put this up in a comment box on Mark Shea's blog, and thought it worth sharing here.
P.S. Sorry for the light posting lately, 'twill resume when I'm a little less ... beleaguered here.

In answer to where the Whapsters are (in addition to what Andy said), the answer is, too busy with this to be blogging at the moment. The Queer Film Festival just "happens" to be timed to coincide with The Monologues, so it's been keeping alot of the solid Catholic students around here pretty busy between extra Rosaries, hanging up fliers, writing editorials, engaging in discussions, and basically anything we can do to change hearts. Your prayers for the effectiveness of our work are, of course, much needed in all of this.

Notre Dame has an amazing influence on American Catholicism, and the devil knows it. He can't afford to let this place go, and there is a real battle for the soul of this University underway. I think the homosexual community (not just here, but nationally) has taken our #1 "Alternative Lifestyles Not an Alternative" rating as a challenge: if they can corrupt this place, they can take almost anywhere. As always happens in spiritual warfare, even while morality is slipping on several fronts, the Faith is springing up stronger than ever. As a '78 alum told me the other day, "There were never people like you around when I was here."

So, I'd ask you all to pray for us here at ND, especially tomorrow (2/14) night, when we'll be praying a Rosary outside the VM performance for an end to violence against women. And remember that no matter what CNS lists we're on, there are still very many students here who remember that the Lady on top of the Golden Dome is crushing that snake.

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