Wednesday, January 28


Sanctoral Update

A happy and blessed feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, protector, among other things, of pencil makers and invoked against lightning, to all my readers! It's also the feast of the Blessed Emperor Charlemagne, my illustrious ancestor, the illiterate patron saint of the University of Paris. Besides conquering most of Europe, restoring the Empire and having a highly confusing number of wives (including Blessed Hildegarde), he enjoyed playing with his children and didn't like boiled meat. Be sure to pay Emperor Mark Shea a visit today and remind him who started the whole Holy Roman thing. Things are a bit hurried here as I finish up my latest project, but expect plenty of updates this weekend on my visit to the Mamertine Prison (no, I wasn't arrested) and also, if I can make it, to today's celebrations over at the Dominican church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.

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