Wednesday, December 17


The Other City of the Immaculate?

Check this out: it looks like the fledgling Florida-based Ave Maria University is also planning on building a new urbanist-style development--a whole city, really--around their campus. Called, creatively enough, the town of Ave Maria. I say pretty darn cool, speaking as a Catholic and a supporter of traditional civic planning, especially since the last attempt to do something like this went belly-up. Who did that, the Society of St. John? Can't recall. Anyway, check out their website.

I know, Thomas Monaghan's proposal to put together a somewhat-more-orthodox retread of our own beloved Notre Dame (which does have her ups and downs) has gotten some flack in certain quarters, but I wish him the best of luck, especially since the college and town of Ave Maria will be needing, ahem, some good classical Catholic architects in a few years...ahem. And the more Catholic nerds in higher education, the better. Let a thousand shapeless plaid jumpers bloom.

But anyway, the best of luck in all areas...except, of course, regarding the college's new football team. I mean, come now, I have to draw the line somewhere, don't I?

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