Sunday, October 19

"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever...." --Thomas Jefferson
Since most of our readers have been following the fight for Terri Schiavo's life down in Florida, I won't blog the details here, but I would like to add my thoughts. It occurred to me tonight that perhaps the most fitting way to pray for Terri would be fasting. Not only is it one of the most effective forms of prayer I know, but it will be an expression of solidarity with her plight.

I've gone through phases now and then (usually during Lent, when those ubiquitous "rice bowls" are out), when I feel a twinge of guilt at meals for my American decadence, etc... So often, people in the Third World go without good food and water because tyrannical regimes deny them. Remind me again how America is morally superior?

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