Saturday, August 30

Seaside, Florida, two hours' drive from my home town and five minutes from the water
I'll be at the seashore today, enjoying one last gasp of the Florida sunshine. The town's an interesting one, Seaside, a perfect model of New Urbanist town planning and a modern interpretation of vernacular and classical traditional architecture; it's also where they filmed that wonderful movie The Truman Show.
Yes, I know, I'm going to the beach and I'm talking about houses and "The Cinema." Shame on me.
Anyway, enjoy St. Fiacre's Day in my absence! He's patron of gardening and taxi-drivers, so if you are going to take a cab to the local plant nursery, he's the one to call. He also is patron of hemorrhoids, hosiers, the piles, box-makers (huh?), tile makers and pewterers, as well as sterility, syphilis and venereal disease in general, but let's not go there, shall we? Also, for Sergei Eisenstein silent movie enthusiasts, today is the day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates St. Alexander Nevsky's memory, but I always kinda have had a soft spot for his enemies the Teutonic Knights (hello, crusaders, big swords, chain mail, crosses...I don't see any problems here...yeah, yeah, I know, they were Germanic interlopers on the soil of Holy Mother Russia, yada yada yada...), so that's something else I'll just set aside for the time being... Incidentally, his son was St. Daniel of Moscow, which might be of interest to at least one member of this 'blog. Oh yeah, and Bl. Bronislava, a hermitess, is on today. She has a super-cool name: girls, why not consider her for your confirmation patron this year? I mean, she's holy, and Polish, and plus, her name makes her sound like she could beat the snot out of someone in a dark alley. What's not to like?