Friday, August 29

Notre Dame graduate William Heyer's proposed design for a new Oratory to St. Philip Neri in Chicago
Traditional Church Architecture Alert
If you like Churches That Look Like Churches, and I do, have a browse around architect extraordinaire Professor Duncan Stroik's portfolio and weep for joy (as opposed to just plain weeping, which is an appropriate response to the work of the Rev. Father Richard "Dynamiter Dick" Vosko). Today, on St. Sabina's feast, check out his plans for Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, featured here before, at Thomas Aquinas College, a Spanish Baroque structure with an interior in part inspired by Santa Sabina in Rome. Professor Stroik is a long-standing fixture at Notre Dame, one of the first of the traditional architects to be invited to teach here after architectural genius Professor Thomas Gordon Smith brought about his great classical reforms in the curriculum in the early part of the last decade. Also have a look at the supercool stuff by various architects and students here, especially Michael Imber's designs for Our Lady of Corpus Christi parish in Texas and the proposed St. Philip Oratory for the Chicago Loop, seen above. Sweet! Church building and art may have gotten worse of late, but the tide, hopefully, is starting to turn.