Tuesday, August 26

The Martyrdom of the Theban Legion. St. Alexander of Bergamo, commemorated today, was a member, though he escaped their torture only to relent and lay down his life for Christ soon afterwards. From Jacopo Pontormo's painting (1531) at the Pitti Palace, Florence.
Today is one of those days on the sanctoral cycle where there are so many possibilities, it's hard to pick a favorite. There are numerous early martyrs commemorated today. Among others, there's St. Alexander of Bergamo, who is associated with the legendary Theban legion of St. Maurice; St. Ireneus and St. Abundius of Rome, who was drowned in the Roman sewers; St. Adrian of Nicomedia, husband of St. Natalia and patron saint of arms dealers, soldiers and butchers; and the relatively late St. Victor of Cerezo, who was crucified by the Muslims in North Africa around 950. There's also St. Gelasinus of Heliopolis, a Phonecian actor stoned to death on stage (while in a bathtub, no less) in 297 (tough crowd), who sounds eerily like yesterday's comedic convert, Genesius of Rome. We also recall Bl. Thomas Percy, martyred under Elizabeth in 1572 and the bishop Bl. Vyvain of York, who died more peacefully before him in 1285. On the calendar today is also St. Teresa of Jesus Journet e Ibars, a Catalonian nun and foundress from the nineteenth century who is patroness of people rejected by religious orders, old people and pensioners. On the Russian Calendar, a post-schism monk with the unfortunate name of Adrian of Uglich is recalled today, though he also has a feast-day on something called Cheesefare Sunday. We also, more importantly, recall the martyred Pope St. Zephyrinus today, an early pastor of the universal Church who endured the ridicule of heretics, the fall of Tertullian to the Montanists, and the persecutions of the Romans. A most noble pontiff.