Thursday, July 31

Today is the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola.....
......and Mass featured a beautiful postcommunion: "Lord, may the sacrifice of thanksgiving which we have offered on the feast of Saint Ignatius lead us to the eternal praise of your glory. Grant this through Christ our Lord." This antiphon reminded me of Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, but it also got me to thinking about the Jesuits, especially in light of the current, much-maligned (though it's always been much-maligned) state of the Order. With it being Saint Ignatius' feast day, however, and keeping in mind the Kierkegaardian (and just plain Christian) spirit of presuming and seeking the good, I'd like to start an open blog about what's right with the Jesuits today. From a personal perspective, I'd like to offer the example of Fr. Brian Daley, S.J., a professor in the ND theology department. The good Father exudes personal holiness, and consistently offers solid, fascinating classes. I, along with Andy, was privileged last semester to take his class, "Mary in the Christian Tradition," for which I wrote the paper about von Speyr that was posted here in my absence. Fr. Daley is also kind enough to sometimes say our Saturday morning Mass, at which he pays great attention to detail and preaches quite erudite sermons. To sum it up: a good man, a good priest, a good Jesuit.