Monday, July 28

There was an interesting piece....... the NY Times national edition today about the liturgical travails of Fr. John Perricone at his new assignment at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in the Archdiocese of Newark. I have watched Fr. Perricone's EWTN series about the Mass, and attended in person both a Good Friday service and an Evening of Recollection conducted by Fr. Perricone, and enjoyed his style. The article goes through the changes he has made (ad orientem Mass, silent Canon, no Eucharistic Ministers, no distribution of chalice, etc.) and parish complaints about them. I am not myself an advocate of all these changes (esp. the silent Canon), but I was most interested by a sign a protester was carrying saying that Fr. Perricone was banned from ministry in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Birminingham, Alabama. I am wondering if this is true, and if so, why? I invite anyone to comment on all these issues, following the proprietary rules Andy has previously set forth.

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