Wednesday, July 30
When I go on vacation, it is usually my custon to attend a Tridentine Mass simply because I more or less know what to expect. In Orlando, however, this was not as easy to come by, and I was also interested in checking out the Shrine, which I had previously seen from the highway. Interestingly enough, the shrine is designed basically along the Santa Sabina design which I talked about last week, although with a LOT more spotlights (my view of non-candlelight in churches is rather dim (pun inteneded)). The church featured some fairly traditional stained-glass and very nice paintings of the Stations of the Cross, as well as some sculpture (esp. the crucificix) that I wasn't too high on. As far as the ministry of the church goes, it's dedicated entirely to tourists, and thus has a sort of five-minute "pitch" at the beginning of Mass, sort of distracting but I do credit them for separating it from the homily. The Sunday liturgy was aesthetically above average, as the music selection will show, but not on Basilica of the Sacred Heart level - still better than most random churches I've visited on vacation. But the main attraction of this church is not the Sunday liturgy but the full weekday slate (which I could not attend due to being underage to drive a rental car): two Masses, seven hours of confessions(per day!), Adoration. The gift shop, which is also widely criticized for being almost as large as the church, is well-stocked with statuary and a very good bookstore. I was also very impressed by the homily the priest gave, in which he talked about growing in personal holiness through the Eucharist (and, as Mark Shea has recently pointed out, "loaves and fishes Sunday" can elicit some pretty bad homilies). So basically, I think this place gets a bad rap - the architecture is well-achieved if not perfect at the moment, and they take their ministry seriously - if you're in the Orlando area, give it a try.
Mass: Sunday, July 27
Hymnal: Journeysongs
Opening Hymn: We Gather Together
Gloria: Mass of Creation, Haugen
Offertory Hymn: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Picardy)
Sanctus/Memorial Acclamation/Amen: Mass of Creation, Haugen
Agnus Dei: Unknown - Contemporary
Communion Hymn: One Bread, One Body
Closing Hymn: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King